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Can Machine Learning Give Us Faster and Cheaper Clinical Trials?

On Trial Design, Historical Controls, and Clinical Prediction Models

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In drug development, where the median clinical trial costs about $48 million, biotech companies face the major challenge of balancing expenses with the need for robust, well-designed, and sufficiently large clinical trials. This reality has motivated software companies like Unlearn.AI to pioneer machine learning (ML) applications to boost clinical trial efficiency. Yet, implementing such cutting-edge methodology is not without significant practical challenges.

Today’s post delves into the merits and limitations of Unlearn’s ML-based Prognostic Covariate Adjustment (PROCOVA). I argue that the theoretical cost-savings of PROCOVA are unlikely to be realized in practice. Given the often high stakes of clinical trials, the risk of adopting innovative ML-based methodologies may not be worth the purported benefits.

The Hard Truth about Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Clinical Effectiveness is Everything, not Flashy Tech

Lessons from HeartFlow’s Incursion into Cardiovascular Imaging

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AI in healthcare faces a critical issue: our obsession with cutting-edge technology often overshadows the actual impact on patients. Successfully bringing AI medical devices to market entails much more than excellent diagnostic performance; it requires rigorous clinical trials and comprehensive cost-effectiveness analyses. HeartFlow’s AI-powered cardiac imaging product FFRCT is a perfect example of that. In this blog post, I critically review FFRCT and discuss broad lessons for the future of AI medical devices